Adoption Application

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our adoption application. This is an important step in the adoption process to helps us align with you on your expectations and ensure a smooth process.

Adoption application
Tell us about your family – hobbies, activities, home life. Is your lifestyle: very active, mildly active or homebodies?
Is everyone on board with getting a puppy? Spouse, roommate, sIgnificant other, children, etc? If not, please explain the situation.
Have you had a puppy or a pet before? If so, please describe.
How many hours a day will your dog be left home alone? Less than 2 hours? 2-5 hours? 5-8 hours? 8 plus hours?
Cavapoo or Cockapoo? Does not matter?
Male or Female? Does not matter? Undecided?
Ideally, are you looking to adopt in 1-4 weeks? 2-4 months? 6 months +?
Share anything else that you would like us to to know.*
Online search? Referral – if so, who? Other?